golf course turf
When You Need Help With Your Courses
Posted on 11/17/2014 in golf course turf.
When it comes to golf course turf no other factor is more important for enjoying a round of golf than the condition of the turf. Today’s golfers have come to expect meticulous playing conditions that only a few years ago would have seemed nearly impossible. The lightning-fast putting greens and immaculate fairways of the golf courses today are the result of many years of research. According to the USGA, their vision for turf grass and environmental research is to “use science as the foundation to benefit golf in the areas of turf grass and resource management, sustainable development, and environmental protection.” Since 1920, the USGA has funded projects at land grant universities across the country to the tune of $40 million in attempts at improving the course conditions and enjoyment of the game.
If you need help with your courses and how to best deal with bunkers and roughs, tees, greens, irrigation and managing trees along your courses, check out the golf course management section of the USGA website for lots of help and tips.
When you need turf chemicals to help maintain your greens and fairways, contact us at EZBuy Turf. Purchasing your chemicals from us will be easy and you’ll probably pay less than you’re currently spending. Chemical products are the best method used for sustaining as well as improving your turf. Agrochemicals are designed for increased productivity while decreasing damage and disease.
Regular use of turf products will improve the condition of your turf as well as control pests and diseases. Apart from using these chemicals on a continuous basis to prevent disease, it is important to implement a strategic plan for protecting your greens from pests. A plan adopted should cover prevention, suppression and eradication and include identification of pests and the damage caused by them, biologic aspects and development of the pests lifecycle, and the correct method and time for controlling their population.
At EZBuy Turf you’ll find we have everything you need to maintain your course turf and have it perform optimally each season and all season long. Contact us today for a free quote on your next chemical order.